Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Bethany Dillon Lyrics

You break through my deafness
Swing open the curtain
And I find the courage to get up and walk
I forget my weakness
For You’ve answered my loneliness
And through the mud on my eyes
I can see my Hope has come

Praise the Lord for always being there. I forget. How awful to say I forget about Him. The One who gives me life and breath…thank you, Jesus, for loving me. Help me to grow. I don’t want to forget You for one moment. It’s only when I remember You that I can truly reflect your love. I love You! I want to fall even more in love with You, because I know what I’ve known up to this point is only the beginning.

(P.S. I originally posted this on my tumblr: but I know some people may read this and not that, so I'm re-posting here too. Not really sure if I need both, but until I decide which one I'll use more I'll just post to both, I guess? I like tumblr b/c it's short and sweet, but I like blogspot b/c I follow a lot more people on it and a few people follow me here too.)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Another Timothy Keller quote

"God's grace does not come to people who morally outperform others, but to those who admit their failure to perform and who acknowledge their need for a Savior. Christians, then, should expect to find nonbelievers who are much nicer, kinder, wiser and better than they are. Why? Christian believers are not accepted by God because of their moral performance, wisdom, or virtue, but because of Christ's work on their behalf. Most religions and philosophies of life assume that one's spiritual status depends on your religious attainments. This naturally leads adherents to feel superior to those who don't believe and behave as they do. The Christian gospel, in any case, should not have that effect."

The Reason for God, by Timothy Keller