So, we walked a few blocks to a sushi place. I actually liked it! I was excited about that too. And I tried everything they ordered...even actual raw fish (It wasn't bad either...not my favorite thing, but I wasn't grossed out.) After sushi, we went back to Jon's apartment and then drove up to Hollywood. They took the long route, we went through Westwood and Rodeo Drive...I saw on the nice stores, like Dolce and Gabana, etc. It was so cool! Then we parked in Hollywood and walked to a Mexican place. Ajay wanted me to try Taquitos, so we ordered those. We also got a pitcher of margaritas to split. :-) It was really fun! We probably sat there and talked for a couple hours, and then we walked to Grauman's Chinese Theater, the place where all the stars hand and footprints are. I saw Bing Crosby, Julie Andrews, Shirley Temple, and everyone! We looked at every single was so fun!!
I didn't really do much the rest of that weekend. My roommates were all out of town, and Alexa's schedule was packed with weddings. That was the first time I got pretty lonely out here, and kind of bummed about not having a guy in my life (I was watching some family and romantic movies...bad idea) but of course that's a constant off and on struggle, and I'm sure it will continue to be until the Lord brings someone into my life. I just continue to trust Him with that.
This past weekend was SO much fun! Friday night Alexa and I had a "date." :-) After work I drove up to Westlake Village, changed at her house really fast (we wanted to dress up), and then we drove to this place called Suki 7. It's a really nice sushi and robata bar. We ate dinner there...spicy tuna rolls (sushi), and skewers of salmon, shrimp, and the most amazing asparagus wrapped in beef I've ever had! It was all delicious! Then we left there and headed straight to the movie theater to see Kung Fu Panda! Yes, it's a kids movie, but we love that stuff! It was so cute! We laughed a lot. Then on the way home we stopped at a gas station to buy some chocolate milk, because she had been craving it, and I pretty much drink chocolate milk every day of my life so of course I wanted some too! Here are some pictures from that night...all of these are taken with Alexa's camera and I stole them from her facebook so you guys can see what's been going on:

She makes me laugh harder than anyone else on the planet. She also brings out the craziest side of me...hardly anyone besides my sisters have seen me as crazy as I get when I'm around her. I love it! :-)
So I spent the night with her Friday night, and Saturday I came back to Venice because I am house sitting and dog sitting for Julia Dean right now while she's in Peru doing a travel workshop, so I needed to feed her dogs and stuff. Then I went back to my place in Redondo Beach to get all my stuff together...clothes, food, etc. and brought it back to Julia's house so I'd have it for the week I'm here. Then I just did laundry the rest of the day, and played with the dogs.
Sunday Alexa came down here and we went out to the boardwalk and the beach for a few hours in the afternoon. Then we came back to the house and took showers and headed up to Simi Valley to visit Francis Chan's church, Cornerstone Community. It was awesome! I loved it so much, and I think we're going to try to keep going there while we're out here. After church, we went to In-N-Out Burger, which was delicious! It was a great weekend! Here are a few of Alexa's pictures from Sunday:

I know I look naked, but I'm definitely not! I just have a bathing suit that is a tube thing and it has a loop that goes around my neck which is down while I'm tanning. Don't worry!
Monday night when I got off work Alexa sent me a text message asking me if I wanted to see Wicked with her and her aunt and uncle Tuesday night. I called her right away and said of course! Lucy and I tried to see it when we were in New York a couple years ago, but it was sold out for the next three months! So I got off work a little early Tuesday so I could change and head up to Hollywood to meet them at the theater. Let me tell you guys, Wicked was incredible! I have never been so impressed with a play. I didn't know anything about it, all I knew was that it had a great reputation and was very popular. I went in with high expectations already, but it FAR surpassed them! It was hilarious! And a lot of the reason why was because of the girl who played Glenda, Erin Mackey. She was so quirky and fun! Alexa's uncle, Gary, saw Wicked in April and he said a different girl played Glenda, and she wasn't as silly as Erin Mackey. He said it was even better the second time around, and I think she really had a lot to do with it. I was so impressed with the casting...the girl who played Elphaba (the witch) had an amazing voice. Alexa and I exchanged looks during a lot of her songs because of how incredible she sounded and the notes she was hitting. I'm ready to see it again! :-) Here are some of Alexa's pictures of our time at the theater after it was over:

That's all for now! It's late. Love you guys! Don't forget to leave me comments!